April 3, 2011

Three Cat Week

We've been a bit absent on posting recipes the last few days, because we've had a bit of extra work on our hands.

As some of you may know, Herbie has two brothers and a sister. They were separated a few weeks after birth when we adopted Herbie from the litter, and one of our New Yorker friends adopted one of his brothers and his sister.

The cat you all know and love, Herbie.
Well our friend is taking the week to visit Italy, and needed someone to look after her two kittens. So while she's living our dream eating Italian food, drinking Italian wine, and exploring the Italian countryside, we're taking care of three cats in our small little apartment.

Herbie's sister, Liberty.
Things haven't gone quite as swimmingly as we hoped. Like you would probably expect, they started off by fighting a lot. The first night, before we decided to put them into separate rooms, they were chasing each other all through the night.

Herbie's brother, Ellis.
Since the first few days though, they've started to get along a bit better, or at least start to tolerate each other, so we were finally able to get some good pictures.

Family reunion - time to play with the foil ball!
So for this week our posts should have triple the cuteness. We hope you enjoy!

Herbie gives Liberty a welcoming nuzzle.

Ellis and Herbie play on the bed. 
We'll certainly be posting more of this to the blog throughout the week. So, don't hesitate to tell your friends about what will surely be the most amazing website on the Internet this week!


  1. I thought pics of Herbie by himself were the epitome off kitteh cuteness. Now three????Adorable! And I've already warned all my readers about your great blog.

  2. Awwwwww, three cats is always a good idea - so cute :)

  3. Herbie, raised on a steady diet of spaghetti and hamburgers, is totally pwning the other cats.

  4. EEEEee! I love Herbie and Ellis playing. They look like little tigers. Three cat week is my new favorite kind of week.

  5. yep - you know what they say - a bowl of spaghetti and hamburgers a day keeps the vet away!

    and yes they DO look like little tigers! it's awesome

  6. looks like herbie got lots of playtime!


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